Can You Plant Creeping Thyme in the Fall?

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Creeping thyme is one of the most beautiful ground covers you can grow in your garden. Creeping thyme is also known as Breckland wild thyme, wild thyme, or elfin thyme. This plant belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae), so it smells pleasant. Also, most creeping thyme species can be used in cooking as a herb. Creeping thyme is native to Europe and North Africa.

In this article, I will explain if you can plant creeping thyme in the fall.

Can I Plant Creeping Thyme in the Fall
Creeping Thyme

What is the best time to plant creeping thyme seeds?

The time you can plant creeping thyme depends on the climate you are in. Temperature plays a major role when it comes to the germination of seeds.

In tropical climates, you can germinate seeds successfully at any time of the year as long as there is rain. In northern gardens, it is impossible to germinate seeds in winter due to snow and lower temperatures. Most seeds including creeping thyme require a temperature above 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celcius) to germinate.

You can sow seeds indoors or in a greenhouse if the temperature is colder than 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

The best time to plant creeping thyme seeds is in spring. But wait until the threat of frost is passed and the temperatures rise.

Can You Plant Creeping Thyme in the Fall?

Can I plant creeping thyme in the fall?

Yes, you can plant creeping thyme in the fall. However, you should only transplant creeping thyme seedlings, not the seeds. The reason is that the seeds will not have enough time to germinate and establish before the winter.

While you can plant creeping thyme in the fall, spring is still the best time to plant both seedlings and seeds. If you plant in the spring, the plants will have enough time to mature before the frost. In the fall, you are risking it.

Even though fall isn’t the best time to plant creeping thyme, it will skip the summer heat. So, the young plants won’t burn down under extreme sun and heat.

Can You Plant Creeping Thyme in the Fall?

How do you plant creeping thyme from seed in the fall?

There are two ways to plant creeping thyme seeds. You can either plant seeds indoors or in the ground directly. Both ways have their own pros and cons.

Direct sowing

The easiest way to plant creeping thyme seeds is direct sowing. However, this is not the best way to plant creeping thyme in the fall. Transplanting is usually the best way to get

Add some compost to the soil if the soil quality is poor. Creeping thyme doesn’t need rich soil to thrive. So, you will be fine with average soil.

Then water the soil. Don’t add too much water and make it muddy. Make sure the soil drains well.

Then scatter the seeds evenly. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. Do not plant them too deep since they need light to germinate. Keep the soil moist until the seeds germinate. You can use a spray bottle for this.

Can You Plant Creeping Thyme in the Fall?

Sowing indoors

This is the best way to plant creeping thyme seeds. By sowing indoors, you ensure a good germination rate and strong plants. If you plan to transplant these seedlings in the fall, sow them at least 8 weeks early.

You can use a small seeding tray with drainage holes. Fill this tray with a good seed-starting mix. It is important to choose a high-quality mix. I recommend you use Purple Cow organic seed starting mix or Miracle-Gro seed starting mix. Both are great options and are made especially for starting seeds.

Once you fill the tray with the mix, plant creeping thyme seeds on the surface and cover it with a thin layer of the same mix. Then water it. Water very slowly or use a spray bottle because the seeds can be washed away.

Keep this tray near a light source, preferably near a window or in a greenhouse.

How long does it take to grow creeping thyme from seed?

Creeping thyme seeds will take 14 to 21 days to germinate. Keep the soil moist and the plants near a light source to ensure maximum germination. The quality of the seeds also matters.

Can You Plant Creeping Thyme in the Fall?

How late can you plant creeping thyme?

You should plant creeping thyme before the temperatures start to drop. Do not go past mid-fall or your plants will not have time to establish. If you plant too late, the plants will die in the winter.

What happens to creeping thyme in winter?

In harsh winters, creeping thyme will stay mostly green. But it is possible that it loses some leaves and branches. You should apply mulch if you have colder winters. Use straw mulch and apply a few inches of thick layer above the creeping thyme. This will help to keep the soil temperatures warmer.

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